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The R packages for survival prediction
来源:     发布时间:2014年12月24日    点击数:

1. DRWPSurv: Predicting survival outcome using pathway activities (Update: 2016-06-24)

   This package implements the DRWPSurv method which predicts survival outcome using topologically inferred pathway activities.


The available resource of RPCR can be downloaded as follows:

  Package source: /UploadFiles/20166/201606241433305271.zip

  Windows binary: /UploadFiles/20166/201606241434067113.zip

  Reference manual: /UploadFiles/20166/201606241434305491.pdf


Depends: glmnet, survival, igraph, Matrix


2. RPCR: Predicting survival outcome based on the reweighted partial Cox regression method (Update: 2015-03-08)

   This package implements the reweighted partial Cox Regression method which used for survival analysis on high-dimensional gene expression data and the directed random walk algorithm which used to evaluate the topological importances of nodes in the global pathway graph.


The available resource of RPCR can be downloaded as follows:

  Package source: /UploadFiles/201412/201412202042020107.rar

  Windows binary: /UploadFiles/201412/201412202032102191.zip

  Reference manual: /UploadFiles/201412/201412202033217776.pdf


Depends: R (>= 3.1.1), survival, igraph, Matrix


Please don't hesitate to address comments/questions/suggestions to 30330590@qq.com or freelw@gmail.com.

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