黑龙江工程学院三升体育平台给予国际学生MWEKWAMBE RAHMA HAJI拟退学处理的公告Announcement of Heilongjiang Institute of Technology on Planning on Granting International Student MWEKWAMBE RAHMA HAJI Punishment of Withdrawal from University
学校三升体育平台>> 通知公告>>正文内容 打印文章 点击数: 发布时间:2021年05月08日 来源:国际教育学院

坦桑尼亚籍国际学生MWEKWAMBE RAHMA HAJI,护照号:TAE137624,于2019年10月入学,为学校“1+4”国际贸易专业定制班大一学生。,签证有效期截止时间为2021年7月30日;

Tanzanian international student MWEKWAMBE RAHMA HAJI, passport number: TAE137624, enrolled in October 2019, is a freshman of the university’s "1+4" international trade customized class. The deadline for visa validity is July 30, 2021;


The student left campus without permission on April 11, 2021. Later, he refused to return to the university for various reasons, and the communication between him and the university teacher and the embassy staff proved invalid. After April 19, 2021, the student cannot be contacted by all methods, and the university cannot reach the student through various methods such as through the student’s friends.

现公告通知坦桑尼亚籍国际学生MWEKWAMBE RAHMA HAJI自公告发布之日起两周内(截止5月20日)与学校进行联系,逾期未与学校联系,学校将依据《黑龙江工程学院招收和培养国际学生管理办法(试行)》规定,未经请假连续2周以上不参加学校规定的教学活动,对该生给予退学处理。另外,在公示期内,学生与学校联系前,其个人安全等相关事宜均由本人负责。特此公告。

We hereby inform that Tanzanian international student MWEKWAMBE RAHMA HAJI should contact the school within two weeks from the date of the announcement (before May 20). If the student fails to contact the university within the time limit, following the "Enrollment and Training Administration Measures of International Students (Trial Version) ”: student who does not participate in the teaching activities required by the university for more than 2 consecutive weeks without asking for leave will have to withdraw from the university. In addition, during the publicity period, before students contact the university, they should be responsible for their own personal safety and other related matters.


联系人:王?刚13349414911 葛洪伟17884040033

Contact person: Wang, Gang 13349414911; Ge, Hongwei 17884040033


?????????????????????????????黑龙江工程学院??? ? ?????

Heilongjiang Institute of Technology??

2021年5月8日??? ? ?????

May 8, 2021??? ??? ????


  • 学校地址:黑龙江省哈尔滨市道外区红旗大街999号
  • 总机:0451-88028000  传真:0451-57678811
  • 版权所有:黑龙江工程学院  黑ICP备:11005929号